The Visual 沟通 Degree (AAS) is offered through Art, Design, and Performing Arts Department.
The curriculum is rooted in a strong foundation of art and design skills, with classroom exercises providing practical and theoretical experience. 学生 develop skills and technical knowledge in industry standard software (such as Adobe Creative Suite) and industry standard equipment (包括数码相机, 音响及照明设备, 大幅面打印机, 扫描仪, 绘图平板电脑, 以及印前注意事项). Coursework also focuses on developing strong concepts, troubleshooting design issues, and critical thinking while working as an individual or in team-based environments.
学生 will learn foundational skills applicable to career possibilities in many areas of visual communication, 包括平面设计, 工业设计, 插图, 摄影, 摄像, 动画, 动画, 和更多的. 在节目的最后, students will submit a comprehensive portfolio of work for faculty to review prior to graduation.
The AAS in Visual 沟通 degree is intended for students seeking to start a career upon completion of the program. 学生 interested in transferring to complete a fouryear Bachelor’s degree in a more specialized aspect of visual communication should review the Art transfer degrees in the catalog: the Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Fine Arts (AFA).
ArtFusion is produced every other year by and for the students of 正规赌足球的app. From essays to digital drawing to 摄影 and painting, student works are featured throughout a professionally formatted and published magazine.
View the magazine as a flipbook.
View ArtFusion magazine (PDF)学生 completing this program will be able to:
• Exhibit foundational art and design skills with a strong understanding and application of design principles and color theory.
• Exhibit technical knowledge in industry standard programs, including applications in the Adobe Creative Suite.
• Exhibit technical knowledge of industry standard equipment, 包括数码相机, 音响及照明设备, 大幅面打印机, 扫描仪, 绘图平板电脑, 印前注意事项
• Work in an individual or team environment developing strong concepts, 批判性思维能力, 传播策略, 以及解决问题的策略.
• Communicate design concepts efficiently to supervisors, clients, and industry professionals.
• Create a comprehensive and quality portfolio demonstrating proficiency in multiple areas of visual communication, 包括广告和传单, 信息图形, 摄影, 排版设计, 网络图形, 包装, 和更多的.
ART 101 2-Dimensional Design (3)
ART 121制图I (3)
ART 190 Introduction to Computer Art (3)
ART 213 Digital Photography (3)
CS 100 Intro to Computers (3)
ART 111 3-Dimensional Design (3)
ART 122制图II (3)
ART 131 Type and Digital Layout
ART 246 Production and Prepress (甚至一年) or
选修一门艺术工作室 (3)
PSYC 246 Intro to Psychology (3)
ART 215 Digital Imaginary (3)
COMM 100 沟通 Skills (3)
eng101作文一 or
eng101c成分I (3)
选修一门艺术工作室 (3)
Choose 1 Art History Elective (3)
ART 217数字绘图(3)
ART 248 Production and Prepress (3)
ART 234 Digital Video and Editing or
ART 247动态图形学(3)
SPEC 111 业务 and Professional Comm or
SPEC 114 Interpersonal 沟通 (3)
SPEC 175 Intercultural 沟通 (3)
Choose 1 Art History Elective (3)
Art History Elective Options:
• ART 281 History of Western Art I
• ART 282 History of Western Art II
• ART 285 Survey of Asian Art
• ART 286 Survey of Non-Western Art
• MCA 221 Intro to Mass 沟通
•ART 201生活素描
•ART 211绘画
• ART 232 The Photographic Series
•ART 233工作室照明
• ART 234 Digital Video and Editing
• ART 235 Elements of Web Design
•ART 246平面设计
•ART 247动态图形
• ART 289 Portfolio Development
• CIP 170 Web Page Development
Minimum total hours required for degree– 60
Minimum total hours required for degree: 66